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  • 9 messages

  • Congrats! Love Dottie West. She was a great friend to my Momma Dot, Dottie Rambo.

  • Brad Yost says:

    August 30, 2021……….

    Remembering (and still missing) Dottie West. She was injured in a car wreck 30 years ago today, on her way to the Grand Ole Opry House. It was August 30, 1991. She passed away, September 4th. She was 58 years old. Her passing was always very senseless to me. On the 25th anniversary of the accident, August 30, 2016, Dottie’s dear friend, Jeannie Seely unveiled a memorial cross at the site of the crash, just off the Opryland exit, on Briley Parkway, paying tribute to her friend. I saw it 3 years ago. It was only then, that I finally got a sense of peace about this tragedy, it’s still very sad for me to think about , to this day, especially today, August 30th, also when she passed away, September 4th, and her birthday, October 11th. I was 9 years old when we lost her. I never got to meet or even write her to tell her how much a fan that I was,, and how much her music means to me and it still hurts, as I said, but especially, on these 3 days.

    The new, and wonderful and very informative website Dottie West Remembered is full of amazing photos, information on all of her recording sessions, single releases, album releases,, her Grand Ole Opry appearances, her commercials for Coca-Cola, and a whole section about the wonderfully produced movie called “Big Dreams And Broken Hearts” The Dottie West Story, starring Michele Lee. You can even watch the whole movie on the all new website. along with interview segments, news clips where Michele and others are interviewed.

    Mr. Paul Potter, the webmaster of this wonderful site spent countless hours, days, weeks, and longer, doing research securing photos and interviews. I was going to post this review a couple days ago, but I got caught up watching the movie again, all of the interviews, reading all the Discography for each song, all the things I’m interested in about the songs, when and where they were recorded, what album they’re on. Truly, everything you ever wanted to know about Dottie West is on this new site, A wonderful (and timely) website to Remember Dottie on the 30th Anniversary year of her passing. There’s even a Museum Page, where you can see all of her famous Bob Mackie wardrobe. Also an Archives page where you can see even more beautiful photos and even listen to and watch performances and hear interviews. He has done a wonderful job on this site. And I’m so very excited about the new book: Forever Yours, The Dottie West Story. You’re gonna absolutely love this book.. Sign up for updates at:

    We all love and miss you Dottie.

    Here’s what I would have written to Dottie, had I ever had the chance. I was 9 when we lost her.

    Dear Dottie, my name is Brad. I’m a very loyal fan, I have many albums, 45s. I love your music.

    You know, I cant explain it, but its extremely important to me that people that i am a loyal fan of, that they personally know that. Idk why, I never could figure out the reason. I guess it comes down to this. You’ve heard that if someone means something to you, that you should tell them while you’re both still here to do it. That way, there’s no questions and you won’t have to guess, or something happens to one of you. It really bothers me (to the point of being sad and depressed about it) that i never got to tell many people how big a fan I am of them or never got to write them… People like Tammy Wynette, Patsy Cline, Ray Price, Jim Reeves, Minnie Pearl, Mel Street, Wendy Holcombe, and i could go on and on.

    All my sincere thanks for the many years of joy you have given me thru your music, and much respect to you. It would be an honor to meet you.

    Forever Yours,


  • Andrew Cranford says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the website. It’s nice to see a permanent page for Dottie fans to look through and share stories.

    I never had the chance to meet Dottie in life, but my family knew Dottie for years, even before she became a country star. Dottie used to babysit my older aunts and uncle when they lived in Cleveland, OH. Dottie and my grandmother used to cook together and her sons played with my aunts and uncle.

    I first became aware of Dottie about a year before she died when she was having her problems with the IRS. I felt it was so sad that the end of her life was so tragic and how she lost everything despite the fact that she had given so much to so many people. I feel that the Nashville community in many ways turned their back on her and felt ashamed of her even though most of them made it there because Dottie brought them into the community. Compared to the horrendous things celebrities do in this time, Dottie’s actions seem almost dull.

    Dottie was truly one of the most giving souls and would go out of her way to help anyone. Her music writing capabilities are underrated and so many people forget what a wonderful songwriter she was. She had class and taste and always looked like a million dollars.

    I have many pieces of Dottie memoribilia and display some of them proudly in my den.

    If there is one thing I could suggest for this website, and this is not a criticism, I would love to see actual footage of Dottie in her mansion during the happy times. Footage of Dottie is so hard to come by and I know she gave a lot of interviews in the early 80s that featured her beloved home and they were happy times.

    Thank you for making this website a reality! Can’t wait for the official biography to come out.

  • Byron Fay says:

    I was lucky enough to have seen Dottie on the Grand Ole Opry several times. I know in her later years, before her death, she was many times on Hank Snow’s segment. I also know it took a while but I was pleased to see Dottie finally elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame, the highest honor in country music. Thanks to Paul for putting this wonderful site together and I will definitely be spending time going through all that he has gathered. I am happy that I was able to help gather some of the information, in whatever small way I was able to. Congratulations on getting the site up and running.

  • John McAtamney says:

    It’s great to see this website dedicated to Dottie West.

    I’m looking forward to exploring the site and learning more about Dottie.

    I have been a fan of Dottie since the 1970s and usually listen to her every day.

    Many thanks for all your hard work

  • David Hawkes says:

    Just discovered this website and it’s really well put together. It’s a great shame that a lot of Dottie’s music has not been reissued on cd. OK it’s on download but you’re preaching to the converted with this. A cd in a rack may tempt a new listener and that’s the only way will reach the younger generation.

  • Donald Ewert says:

    My name is Don Ewert and Dottie called me her #1 Fan!. I became a fan after listening to my mom’s lp by Dottie & Don Gibson. After that I just had to have her latest record. So, I would buy myself a copy and a few others, and, I would give them to other people so they too could hear her beautiful singing. This was back in early 70’s and I was 12 years old. I would ask others to send letters to Dottie. So, at a show I saw her at in ’73 she told the audience about me and started calling me her #1 fan and did so from then on. DE

  • Joel Gordon says:

    This is an absolutely WONDERFUL and AMAZING site on the great, severely underrated Dottie West. She was such an original! Her beauty, her style, her kindness, and of course her enormous talent.

    I am so grateful to you Paul for taking on the enormous task of building this fantastic shrine in tribute to this incredible artist.

    I simply cannot wait for the book you’re writing!! I have been waiting since 2018 haha. Any updates??? Even a sneaky one??

    Thanks so much for all that you’ve done.

    Joel 🙂 x

  • Marilyn Stotts says:

    I would love a good book about Dottie West

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